Please read carefully before booking any service!

Please fill out this form if you are interested in booking a Fibroblast Skin Tightening procedure, or have any questions regarding the treatment and/or pricing.

Fibroblast Skin Tightening

What Is It?

Fibroblast Plasma Skin Tightening (AKA Plasma Lift) is a revolutionary procedure that tightens and lifts the skin, face, and parts of body. It is a great alternative to laser and cosmetic surgery, as it is completely non-invasive and non-surgical, and creates long-lasting results. It is recommended for anyone looking to treat fine lines, wrinkles, saggy/loose skin, and scarring.

Sarah has been trained and certified by Privé Academy, an internationally acknowledged program and one of the leaders in Fibroblast training. She uses the Plamere Plasma Pen, the #1 FDA Registered Plasma Pen device for Fibroblast Skin Tightening treatments.

How Does It Work?

The principle of the treatment is to use plasma technology to lift, tighten, and treat certain skin conditions. A small probe is attached to the device and does not touch the skin, but gently hovers above the targeted areas. This ionize gases in the air to create a small electrical arch, similar to a tiny lightening bolt. This arch creates controlled “damage” to the upper layer of the skin (epidermis), and transmits heat to the dermis. This is where our skin’s natural healing ability kicks in:

Healing Phase 1: Inflammatory Stage (Days 1-5)

  • The skin will appear red and inflamed as the body’s mast cells will release histamine. This can feel like a sunburn, but should go away on day 2.

  • Carbon crusts will be present on the skin during this period and look like tiny “dots”.

  • You should notice the skin appears tighter and slightly more lifted than before.

Healing Phase 2: Regenerative/Fibroblast Phase (Days 6-28)

  • Carbon crusts will have fallen off by now and skin is ready to repair itself. You may notice the skin is pink where the crusts had been present because it is new skin. It is important to use SPF to prevent photosensitivity to these areas!

  • Fibroblast cells are activated during this phase. Their main role is to synthesize new fibers and collagen, which is what keeps our skin looking plump and youthful. The collagen produced in this phase is Type III Collagen, which can be considered as immature collagen tissue that does not provide a lot of tensile strength, as compared to Type I Collagen.

Healing Phase 3: Collagen Maturing Phase (Weeks 4-12)

  • Wound has fully healed and the Type III Collagen produced in Phase 2 is maturing and will transition into Type I Collagen by the end of 12 weeks.

  • Throughout this last phase is when you will notice the most changes to the skin. It is important to note that although some results are visible immediately, it takes up to 3 months for the new collagen to mature and results to be complete.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What are the most commonly treated areas?

Anywhere with loose/saggy skin and common wrinkle areas are treated the most. This includes around the eyes, forehead lines, lip lines and lip “flip”, smile lines, neck lines, and belly skin.

2. How long does the procedure take?

Each treatment area varies in time. The initial numbing takes 30-45 minutes, and after which we will proceed with the treatment which can take anywhere from 15 minutes to 1+ hours. Total time should not exceed 3 hours, unless multiple areas are being done.

3. Is it painful?

Most clients report pain as moderate. Each client is fully numbed* before the procedure, and again during the procedure if needed, to ensure comfort from start to finish. However, it is not completely painless and you will feel a slight burn with each “dot” that is made. You may take ibuprofen prior to the procedure to help with the pain and inflammation, but please consult with your physician first. A sunburn sensation is usually felt following the procedure, but this typically lasts no longer than 24 hours.
*Please inform of any allergies to Lidocaine, Benzocaine, Tetracaine, Prilocaine, or other numbing agents prior to booking!

4. What is the healing period like, and how long does it take?

Fibroblast Skin Tightening is based on the natural stimulation of skin regeneration. Immediately after the procedure you can expect some redness and possible swelling (usually around the eyes) the next day depending on the area treated. The “dots”, or carbon crusts, will appear darker at first, but may begin to fall off around days 3-5. It is VERY important not to pick or touch these crusts as it can cause scarring (think of it like a scab, it is there to protect the healing skin underneath). By day 7, all of the crusts should be gone the new skin will appear pink. SPF should be worn in order to protect the new skin from the sun and scarring. You will be able to notice results right away, but the full results will be complete after 12 weeks. For more information about the healing phases, please read the information at the top of this page.

5. Will I need a second session?

The short answer is no, but if you desire an even more noticeable result, you may consider having a second session done after the 12 week healing period is complete. Most clients will not need this, but if skin wrinkles/looseness is extensive, then it may require multiple treatments.

6. How long do the results last?

Indefinitely, or until the natural aging process occurs again (typically about 3-5+ years).

7. Do I need to do anything before or after the procedure?

It is best to come to your appointment with no makeup or skin care products, especially those containing alcohol, to the area that will be treated. Please click here to review the before & after care instructions.

8. Are there any risks or complications?

Bella Cara Studio takes all proper precautions to maintain client safety. We use sterilized equipment and maintain a well-sanitized environment. Since Fibroblast Skin Tightening is non-invasive, there is little risk of infection during the procedure. Should clients follow the before & after care instructions, there should be little to no complications. However, if the skin is not properly cared for following the procedure, conditions could occur such as increased inflammation, infection, or scarring/hyperpigmentation. Scarring is more of a risk in those who are prone to hyperpigmentation and those of darker complexions (Fitzpatrick Skin Types IV-VI).

9. Who should not get the procedure?

Fibroblast Skin Tightening is NOT recommended for any clients who:

  • have Fitzpatrick skin types V-VI (risk of hyperpigmentation is greater)

  • are prone to scarring or have a personal or family history or keloid/hypertrophic scarring

  • have a skin disease or current irritation of the area to be treated (ie. severe acne, eczema, psoriasis)

  • have epilepsy (will require a physician’s note)

  • have an autoimmune disorder (will require a physician’s note)

  • are allergic to numbing agents used

It is recommended you WAIT, if you:

  • are currently pregnant or breastfeeding

  • are currently ill

  • are currently using any topical steroids or Retin-A/other vitamin A derived topicals on the area to be treated (please discontinue for 2 weeks prior to appointment)

  • have taken Accutane in the past 12 months

  • in the past 4 weeks had a laser treatment, chemical peel, Botox/fillers, salon tanning or heavy sun exposure/sunburn

10. What if I am not satisfied with the results?

As with any cosmetic procedure, clients should not make choices lightly. It is expected for the client to do proper research before consenting to the procedure. Sarah will make every effort to make sure your desired results are achieved. You will be informed during the consultation whether one or multiple sessions may be necessary to achieve your desired result. It is important to note that neglecting of the skin and after care instructions may result in unwanted side effects such as inflammation and scarring.

11. What is the cancellation policy?

Cancellations and rescheduling is allowed, but as a consideration please give a minimum of 24-48 hours notice from the time of your appointment. You can cancel under your emailed booking confirmation up to 24 hours prior, but if you need to cancel within the 24 hours of your scheduled time, you will need to contact Sarah by phone (text, call) or email. If you have previously no-showed or cancelled last minute, Bella Cara Studio reserves the right to decline future booking requests. Prepaid appointments will be refunded or the balance transferred to your rescheduled appointment date.